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The Power of Play: Exploring the Psychology and Benefits of Video Games

person holding black and gray game controller

The negative effects of video games are frequently mentioned in the media. But most of the time, this is just sensationalism based on unsubstantiated claims. Thus, and because of their fame, there’s a developing revenue in researching the mental advantages of computer games.

During a game, it’s common to find yourself in a situation where you have to make a decision. In order to move forward in an adventure at any given time, for instance, one strategy must be interrupted and a new one must be chosen quickly. Cognitive control, which includes working memory, inhibition, and task switching, is used to monitor these circumstances.

Accordingly, because of computer game preparation, there are noticeable changes in the actuation of regions connected with mental control, like the prefrontal cortex, parietal regions, and the basal ganglia.

However, activation is influenced by age, skill, level of interest, and the difficulty of the game. These changes appear to last for a long time. They are maintained, according to studies, even when they are lying down. To put it another way, even when someone isn’t playing a video game.

It’s interesting to note that the activated areas and cognitive processes vary depending on the type of game. Strategy video games, for instance, appear to increase one’s ability to memorize information.

Additionally, there is a connection between 2D action games and enhanced reasoning and problem-solving skills. As a result, brain training or puzzle games improve working memory.

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